WSD Dress Code and Masking Policy
Wahluke School District is thankful that we can have all of our students on campus for full-time learning. There is no doubt that this school year will allow our students to continue receiving a rigorous education and make many memories in a positive, safe, and healthy atmosphere within schools and on campus.
WSD would like to remind our students, families, and staff about some key announcements and updates that we must all follow to continue to have our schools and campus open and safe for all.
Wahluke School District is dedicated to providing a positive learning environment helping students to achieve their academic potential. Students and staff should exhibit modesty and safety promoting a general respect for the learning process. Students and staff are asked to conform to the dress code designed to prevent dress and appearance from distracting in any way from the educational process to help promote a positive, safe, and healthy atmosphere within schools and campus.
Appearance and attire at school and campus should be neat, clean, and within the bounds of decency, health and safety. Dress and appearance shall not be disruptive of the educational process of learning objectives. This dress policy is in accordance with District Policy 3224.
○ Dress Standards
The following standards are provided to assure the safety and well-being of all students and staff. The key is that school attire should be modest and appropriate.
HEAD: No hats to be worn inside the buildings.
UPPER CLOTHING: upper clothing must be cut so as not to expose undergarments, chest area, cleavage, midriff or back (spaghetti, thin straps are prohibited).
1. All lower clothing (pants, shorts, skirts, etc.) shall be worn at the hips or above. No sagging, bagging or dragging and no undergarments showing. Clothing must fit the size and stature of the student and staff.
2. Length of shorts, skirts, dresses, and ripped jeans must be below the individual’s fingertips.
1. Tight-fitting or otherwise revealing clothing is not permitted.
2. See-through clothing is not permitted.
FOOTWEAR: footwear must be worn at all times and must be age-appropriate for activities and emergencies.
GENERAL: clothing/accessories shall not convey messages that are: crude, vulgar/profane, violence/death oriented, gang-related, sexually suggestive, or promote alcohol, drugs, or tobacco. Tattoo’s and/or Body Art that exhibit these qualities must not be exposed.
Wearing 3 indicators (pieces of clothing or accessories) in the colors blue or red in school or on campus during athletic events or any other social gathering on school grounds is prohibited.
Principals will use multiple indicators when addressing gang-related clothing. Samples of visual aids demonstrating appropriate and inappropriate clothing will be available in School Offices. Any amendments must be approved by the Principal & Superintendent.
Students failing to meet the requirements of the Dress Code will be asked to make any necessary changes. All school buildings will have a change of clothes available for students who are not following the dress code appropriately.
All dress code violations will be tracked in SWIS: School-Wide Information System. Failure to make these changes or repeat violations of the Dress Code may result in the following:
First Warning: Students will participate in a restorative talk with school counselors.
Second Warning: Students will participate in a restorative talk or restorative circle during lunch. Parents will receive a phone call notification.
Third Warning: Parents will be called into the school to have a meeting or conference with the school administrator and student.
Students and staff must wear masks at all times except during structured recess times and while eating breakfast/lunch. While in a building with students, school, or building office. This includes when students are not present. Masks should fit snugly and cover both the nose and mouth. Gators/Bandanas will not be allowed per GCHD guidance. Students and students should be prepared to come to school with their own masks daily. A reusable cloth face mask will be provided by the school to students or staff request one.
Wearing a mask all day is new to us, so there will be times that masks slip down, we forget to pull them back up after eating, drinking, etc. It is our collective responsibility to support each other to wear masks properly. If a student refuses to wear a mask, the student will be sent home (parents must pick up the child). If a student arrives at school without a mask, one will be provided to them.
As of August 23rd, 20221 – Washington State Department of Health mask wear announcements: Every person in Washington State must wear a face covering that covers their nose and mouth when they are in a place where any person from outside their household is present or in a place that is generally accessible to any person from outside their household, subject to the exceptions and exemptions below.
As of September 13th, 2021 – Washington State's current requirement for indoor facial coverings in public spaces will be expanded to include outdoor events with 500 or more attendees, according to the governor’s office. That mandate will apply to vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
People are not required to wear face coverings in any of the following situations:
When outdoors
While working indoors in areas not generally accessible to the public, students, volunteers, or non-employees are present only if the worker is fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
While working alone indoors.
While actively playing or training for, coaching, or officiating indoor sports in a K-12 setting. This exception does not apply while the athlete, coach, or official is not actively engaged in the sporting, coaching, or officiating activity or to an indoor gym and other fitness facilities, such as dance, yoga, and martial arts facilities.
While actively engaged in a performing arts performance.
While engaged in the act of eating or drinking.
While showering, bathing, or engaging in other personal hygiene or grooming activities that require the removal of face covering
When any party to a communication is deaf or hard of hearing, not wearing a face covering is essential to communication.