WSD Training Day - September 26th
WSD is very appreciative of staff feedback on professional development and have been busy planning our TRI Day on September 26. Below is the plan.
7:30 AM - 11:30 AM | Building Time
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM | Lunch - we have an amazing opportunity to help support our students! We have reached out to admin to see if any of our ASB groups or PTO's would like to provide lunch to our staff as a fundraiser. We will have 3 different options. As soon as the options and prices are set we will get the Google Form out. There is a tinyurl at the bottom of the flyer, however, the form is not complete.
12:15 PM - 3:15 PM | Sessions - each staff member will attend 3 sessions of their choice.
-1 Migrant 101 or 201 (ESD 105)
-1 Social Emotional Focused Session (Learn From Our Own Series)
-1 Academic Focused Session (Learn From Our Own Series)
2:15-1:05 PM | Session 1
1:05-1:20 PM | Break/Movement
1:20-2:10 PM | Session 2
2:10-2:25 PM | Break/Movement
2:25-3:15 PM | Session 3
We have some amazing staff that have so much to share with their colleagues, we are asking staff to fill out the google form here, if they are interested in facilitating either a social emotional session(painting, archery, weight room, etc) or an academic session.
This will be due on September, 19th. We will notify on the morning of September, 20th for presenters. Each presenter will time card 2 hours for preparation of the 50 minute sessions. Each session will be presented 3 times. We are extremely excited to showcase our staff on September 26!!!
Again, the tinyurl on the flyer attached is not ready yet. Both Certified and Classified can submit session ideas. Please let your building admin or me know if you have any questions.
We are hoping that we will be able to replicate this schedule for October 31st. We will gather feedback on the 26th to see how we can improve our opportunities.